Monday, December 2, 2013

Simple & Creative Home Renovation Tips

Who has not watched home renovation shows and thought that their home needs a makeover? Sure, the house looks great the way it is, but changes can always be made that will make the home reflect the owners even more than it already does and fit into their needs even more. However, one cannot just start knocking out walls without a plan.

For one, that is dangerous, not only physically as the house could literally crumble if the right wall is taken down, but also relationship wise, if this plan was not discussed or finalized with the significant other. So, the following are some tips to surviving a home renovation project with one's happiness still intact and some ideas on home renovations.

To survive a renovation with one's relationship intact and happy, have an idea in mind of what the project should be. Do not approach the other person with a vague thought of knocking out a wall just because it would look cool. If a wall is to be taken out, have a reason why that makes sense, like it will enlarge the room, or it will make the small living room look more spacious. Just because one wants to knock down a wall does not mean it should be done, especially by them.

Hire a contractor. This will save the couple from countless, and not to mention fruitless, fights about what to do. The contractor will get all the ideas from the client, draw up the plans, have the right tools, and know exactly what to do to make the house the way the homeowners want it. If there is work to be done, like an addition to the house, the contractor should be able to get all the necessary paperwork and licenses ready for the homeowner to complete. Do not attempt to enclose a patio by oneself just because another room is needed. Fill out the paperwork or pay the fines.

Now for some renovation ideas that one could take and use in their own home: if one has a fireplace and they live in a desert, like Phoenix, Arizona, chances are they use the fireplace twice a year and are usually turning on the air conditioning after the fire. Knock it out and build an entertainment center for the television, stereo system, PlayStation or Wii games, and the computer.

Throw in a few shelves for the lady to add some personal touches, like picture frames or collectables, and life will be good. Does one really need a fireplace in a city where the high temperature in the summer is 120 degrees? Another thought is to build in a customized dining table into the wall of the kitchen so that every member of the family has their own seat, eliminating the fight for the "best" seat. This could also become a family project, with each member creating their own seat so that they feel involved in the project.

An art center for the kids would be a great way to transform a rarely used patio or sunroom. It would also contain their paints, chalks, crayons, and play dough to one area, instead of all over the house.

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